Monday, November 16, 2009

Hi! I'm sorry to tell you, but the blogger isn't around this time, again...
So I'm here to blog on behalf of her.

You can just call me THE GUEST BLOGGER!
Haha, no no, of course not, I was just joking. Just address me as The Fedfan.

I know the name sounds a bit weird, but hmmm, it's gonna be fine, right?

Oh well, what should we talk about today?


Everyone loves music. Who doesn't? It's just a matter of perception, whether you like soft music or the loud ones.
Jazz, pop..etc.

Recently, the blogger (yes, the owner of this blog!) ordered a Sony Zappin Mp3 for me. It was an unexpected belated birthday present.

What do you think of it?

Loads of <3,
The Fedfan.


susu said...

Haha, Hi lynna!!

LX said...

Aha, I know who you are!!

jazz said...

now i know too. haha..